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Conquests is an open source cross-platform turn based 3D 4X strategy game for Windows and Linux, where you can build an empire from the stone age to the future. Features:
- Ability to create your own maps, as well as play on supplied or randomly generated maps.
- Scriptable AI, using Lua.
- Significant portion of the game setup can be modded, via the Lua scripts.
- Choice of 2D or 3D viewing modes. Supports zooming in/out. Hardware accelerated.
- Help tooltips on all GUI buttons; in-game reference guide.
- I've tried to make a game that focuses on the fun rather than the tedious.
- Efficient air and naval transport and combat - the player can select where to attack or transport units to immediately.
- No pollution! No senate or war weariness! No city disorder!
- Rather than simply having a generic "city production", cities also need to obtain elements in order to build things: Wood, Stone, Bronze, Iron, Gunpowder, Oil.
- Any foot soldier can build roads. Foot soldiers can also attack enemy units or cities directly by sea. Thus there is an advantage for building a mixed army of foot units and strong units, rather than just the latter.
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Windows download
For Windows,
download the installer.
Linux download
For Ubuntu/Debian, download the relevant binary installation from the
packages page (for
32-bit Linux, pick one that ends "_i386.deb", for 64-bit Linux, pick one that ends "_amd64.deb). For
other Linux distributions, you have to compile from the source (see below). For Ubuntu, you need to
be running at least version 12.04 (Precise), though it should work on older versions if you compile
from source.
Source code download
source code is available, released under the
GPL v2 or later. For more details, please see the file conquests_source.txt (in the
source archive).
Full download list
A full list of download files, including older versions, is at
Conquests should work on any Windows or Linux PC with any DirectX 9 (for Windows) or OpenGL 3.2 (for Linux) or later graphics
card. Conquests needs about 27MB of free space on Windows, and at least 7MB on Linux (as of version 1.0).
Conquests is tested on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit, and with
Intel HD 4000, Baytrail and NVIDIA 675M graphics.
Older versions ran okay on Windows XP, 7, 8,
and with Intel GMA 3100, ATI Radeon HD 6570 and NVIDIA (6100, 8600GT) graphics.
If the game fails to run, or has graphical problems, please try the following:
- For Windows, make sure you have installed the required libraries/DLLs (see Windows download,
- On Linux, try running from the command line (from Terminal window, type conquests.out) to see
if that gives any informative error message.
- Ensure you have the latest drivers for your graphics card (on Ubuntu, I seem to only have
any success with the proprietary NVIDIA and ATI drivers, though this may be just me - it doesn't
help that I can only seem to run the open source drivers in software mode...)
- Try experimenting with the Conquests Preferences program, to see
if it can be made to work under different settings (e.g., switching to OpenGL, and/or try
unticking the various options).
- Please contact me to report any problems.
Known issues
- Linux only: Alt+tab doesn't work in full screen mode - seems to be a problem with SDL on Ubuntu.
- Linux only: Fonts don't look great (using Freetype, possibly I still have to tweak some settings...)
The game defaults to using Direct3D 9, running in windowed mode at 800x600 (although on Linux,
OpenGL is always used). This can be changed by running the "Conquests Preferences" program:
- API (Windows only) - choice of Direct3D 9 or OpenGL. Depending on your graphics card, one of these might give better frame rates. It's also worth trying OpenGL if there are problems running the game on your machine.
- Resolution, Fullscreen- resolution of the window, and whether to run in windowed or fullscreen mode.
- Anti-Aliasing- level of anti-aliasing (smoother appearance) (3D view only).
- High Dynamic Range - improved range of colour rendering (3D view only).
- Debugging options - try unticking some or all of these if you are having problems.
Note that all the other options are not relevant for this game.
Select New Game. You will be asked for various choices:
- Difficulty level - How strong the other civilizations will be. Note that all difficulty levels use the same AI code, but harder difficulty levels give
advantages to the AI (science and production output). On Medium level, the AI is exactly equal to you (i.e., the game is "fair"). On Easy level, the AI has
penalties instead.
- Map - You can either play on a new map, which will be generated randomly, or load an existing map. If you choose a new map, you will be asked for the
size of the world, and whether it is "flat" or "round". (Round means that if you keep going east or west, the map wraps around to the start.)
- Number of opponents.
- AI aggression - Affects likelihood to wage war and/or make peace.
- Length of game - You win the game by either defeating all the other civilizations, or
having the highest Power after the specified number of turns. Note however that you can
still continue to play after this limit.
- Your civilization - This affects which starting technology you receive, as well as
which Great Project you can build. See Civilizations, below.
You start with a "Settlers" unit, which can be used to build cities. Click "Build City", or press 'B', to build your first city at the current location. The City Window will then open, giving details on your first city. By default, the city will produce Peasants. You can change this by selecting in the "Change Build?" list, and then clicking "Change Build". Initially the only options are Peasants and Fort. You can obtain information about what can be build by clicking "Info." Click "Okay", or press Return, to return to the game.
Next you have a "Peasants" unit to use. You can choose between:
- Explore nearby. Units can be moved using the arrow keys or numeric keypad, by clicking on the movement buttons, or by right-clicking on an adjacent square.
- Start building roads - move to the square you want to build, and press "R" or click "Build Road". Roads take a few turns to be built. Roads allow for faster movement of units, and increase the Science output of nearby cities.
- Press "F" or click "Fortify", keep the unit defending the city. You will no longer be asked for orders for this unit, until you reactivate it. For units at a city, click on the city to open the city window, select the unit from the list at the bottom, and click "Activate Unit". For units not at a city, simply click on the unit.
When all units have moved, the turn will automatically end. If you've built your first city, you'll be asked what Technology you want to start researching. Note that you can end the turn at any time with the "End Turn" button. If no units need to be moved in a given turn, you'll have to click this, or press Return, to move to the next year.
After a while, your city will grow in population (to 12,500). At this point, you are able to build new Settler units, which can be used to explore and build more cities. Note that cities can only be built if they are at least a certain distance from other cities, so if the option to build a city is not available, move the Settler unit further away.
Note that you can move around the world map either by moving the mouse to the edge of the screen (or outside the window, in windowed mode), or by clicking and dragging on the terrain.
Loading and saving games
You can save the current game, or load a previous one, by clicking on the appropriate
buttons. The existing and previous turns are automatically saved, under "auto.sav" and
"auto2.sav" respectively.
Keyboard shortcuts
- Escape - Quit game (or if Goto/Travel/Bombard/Reconnaissance squares are highlighted, then cancel this mode).
- Arrow keys and numeric keypad - Move the active unit to an adjacent square.
- Space - Use up the active unit's moves for this turn.
- Return - End turn, if all units are moved.
- A - For units that can build roads/railways, automate it so the AI controls it automatically (click on the unit to reactivate it and disable the automation).
- B - Builds a city (if the current unit can build cities, and a city can be built at this location).
- B - Bomb enemy city (for air and missile units) (press Escape or click right mouse button to cancel selecting a bombard square).
- C - Centre on the active unit.
- F - The unit remains where it is until reactivated (click on the unit, or go to the City window if the unit is located at a city).
- G - Select a target to automatically move the unit to (click on the unit to reactivate it and disable the goto) (press Escape or click right mouse button to cancel selecting a goto square).
- H - Centre on your first city (if you have built any).
- L - Load a previously saved game.
- M - Displays the world map.
- N - Start a new game.
- R - Builds a road/railways (if the current unit can build roads).
- R - Reconnaissance, allows you to pick a region to reveal the fog of war for that turn (for air units) (press Escape or click right mouse button to cancel selecting a reconnaissance square).
- S - Save the current game.
- T - If at a city with a Harbour, Port or Airport improvement, allows the unit to travel via sea/air to nearby land squares (press Escape or click right mouse button to cancel selecting a travel square).
- W - Tells the active unit to wait until you have moved other units.
- Z/X - Zoom out/in.
- F1 - List all your cities.
- F2 - List all your units.
- F3 - List the civilizations you have met. You can also select one to contact, and
either declare war (or make peace), exchange technologies, share maps (if you have both
discovered Maps), or make Right Of Passage Agreements (if you have both discovered Writing).
- F4 - List all your technologies.
- F5 - Gives details on the civilizations you have met.
Mouse shortcuts
- Right click on square adjacent to current unit - Moves the unit to that square (if a valid move).
- Click and drag on terrain - Scrolls the viewpoint.
- Click on one of your units - If the unit is automated or moving under "goto", it undoes the automation/goto. If the unit has
moves left, the unit is activated, unless there are multiple units at that location, in which case a window opens allowing you to select
the unit to activate. If the unit doesn't have moves left, a window opens showing you the units at that location.
- Click on enemy unit - Displays information about units at that location.
- Click on terrain - Displays information about the terrain.
- Click on one of your cities - Opens the city window.
- Control + Click on one of your cities - Shortcut to change city production.
- Shift + Click on one of your cities - Displays terrain and units (similar to when clicking on terrain).
The world is made up of different types of terrain:
- Grassland - Move cost 1.
- Desert - Move cost 1. Cities built on a desert square will grow more slowly.
- Artic - Move cost 2. Cities built on an artic square will grow more slowly.
- Forest - Move cost 2. Cities that have at least one forest square within their
radius will have +1 production.
- Hills - Move cost 2.
- Mountains - No unit may pass through mountains.
- Ocean.
Note that building a city on a Forest square will convert it to a Grassland square.
Some squares also contain a bonus resource, which will provide a bonus for a city if within
the city's radius. This is identified by a coloured sphere in the square:
- Wine (purple) - Found in Hills. Makes the city grow more quickly due to increased
- Gold (gold) - Found in Hills. Makes the city grow more quickly, if the city has a
Market improvement.
- Sheep (white) - Found in Grasslands. Makes the city grow more quickly due to
increased trade, if the city has a Farmland improvement.
- Fish (yellow) - Found in Oceans Makes the city grow more quickly, if the city has
a Harbour or Port improvement. Requires Sailing to see.
- Coal (black) - Found in Hills. +5 production for cities with a Mine. Requires Steam
Power to see.
- Oil (black) - Found in Artic, Desert and Oceans. Generates Oil element (see
Cities, below). Requires Combustion to see.
Note that building a city will remove any bonuses at that square - you should build on a
nearby square to make use of the bonus.
Roads and railways, when built on grasslands, artic and desert, also increase the science output of a city.
Each civilization has territory, which surrounds the cities. The borders of a civilization's
territory are drawn on the map in the civilization's colour. It is an act of war to enter
another civilization's territory, unless you have a Right Of Passage Agreement. This can only
be obtained when both of you have discovered Writing. This can be done from the Civilizations
window (press F3).
Your civilization is made up of one or more cities, which can be built with Settler units. You can
display and control details for one of your cities by clicking on it. This opens the city window:
- At the top of the city window, general information about the city is displayed.
- Towards the left, the list displays improvements and units that the city can build. To change
the item currently being built, select it in the list, then click "Change Build". Click "Info." to
display more details about the currently selected item.
- At the top right is displayed a list of the city improvements that this city has already
- Below that is a list of elements that this city holds. See below for more details.
- At the bottom is a list displaying units that are located at the city square. You can use the
buttons to activate the selected unit, activate all units, or fortify all units.
- Click Okay (or press Escape or Enter) to close the city window. Destroy City can be used to
get rid of a city you no longer want. City Stats displays some information on factors that affect
the city's output.
Each unit or improvement has a basic "cost"; the city's production contributes to this cost each
turn. E.g., a unit with cost 20, for a city with production output 2, will take 10 turns to
build. However, many units and improvements also require a certain amount of elements in order to
build. The following types of elements exist:
- Wood - City produces 1 wood unit per turn for every Forest in the city radius.
- Stone - Requires a Quarry. City produces 5 stone units per turn, plus 1 for every
Mountains in the city radius.
- Bronze - Requires Bronze Working. City starts off with 20 bronze units, and produces 2
per turn, plus 1 for every Hills in the city radius.
- Iron - Requires Iron Working and a Mine. City produces 5 iron units per turn, plus 1 for
every Hills in the city radius.
- Gunpowder - Requires Gunpowder and a Powder Mill. City produces 5 gunpowder units per
- Oil - Requires Combustion. City produces 30 oil units per oil bonus in the city
Each city can hold a maximum stock of 200 of each element. Once you have discovered Steam Power,
the cities will automatically distribute excess stock to other cities with less stock.
For details on the cost and element requirements of each unit and improvement, either click "Info."
from the city window, or use the Reference.
Units are grouped into land units, sea units and air units. Units can have the following
- Attack - How strong the unit is when attacking an enemy unit.
- Defence - How strong the unit is when attacked by an enemy unit.
- Moves - The number of moves.
- Bombard - For units that can bomb cities: the percentage chance of a successful attack.
- Bombard Power - For units that can bomb cities: the maximum build cost of Improvements that can be destroyed.
- Air Range - How far air units can bomb or travel.
- Air Attack - How strong an air unit is against defending air units.
- Air Defence - How strong an air unit is against attacking air units.
- Sea Attack - How strong a sea unit is against enemy sea units.
- Sea Defence Range - The range for which a sea unit can defend against invasions.
- Visibility Range - How far the unit can reveal unexplored squares.
Units can also have the following special properties:
- Foot unit - These units can invade by sea (see below).
- Can upgrade - If left at a city at the end of a turn, these units can upgrade if a newer type is available (e.g., Spearmen upgrade to Pikemen).
- Can build roads - Various units (most notably Peasants, but also some of the foot units such as Swordsmen) can build roads and railways.
Until you discover Satellites, enemy units can only be seen if they are within your territory,
or nearby your units. This is known as the fog of war.
Land units can attack enemy units by attempting to move into the square containing the enemy
unit. As a result of the combat, either you or the enemy unit will be destroyed. To attack enemy
cities, similarly attempt to move to the enemy city square. Once all enemy units there have
been defeated, you will capture the city. For cities of population greater than 10,000, they will experience
"resistance" for the first few turns after capture, which reduces their productivity (this does
not apply if you are recapturing a city that was recently captured by an enemy). For cities of
population less than 75,000, you are given the choice of using your troops to crush the resistance. If
you do, this will reduce the city's population, but also reduce the resistance.
Travel, sea combat
Units may travel by sea from cities that have a Harbour or Port improvement. Press the
Travel button, and then select one of the highlighted squares to move to.
Foot soldiers have the ability to "invade" - they may attack an enemy unit or city directly
by sea.
Later on, sea units become available. Sea units can defend against enemies landing or
invading within that civilization's territory, to squares within range of where the sea unit is
- If the attacking unit is travelling from a city which has a sea unit, then the two sea
units will first engage in combat. If the attacking side loses, then the invading land unit
is also destroyed.
- If the attacking unit has no sea unit to accompany it, then the attacking unit is
automatically destroyed by the defending sea unit.
Therefore, it is risky in later stages of the game to invade by sea to enemy territory,
without a sea unit to protect your unit.
Sea units can themselves travel, but only to other cities that also have a harbour or
Units may travel by air from cities that have an Airport improvement. Units can only travel
by air to other cities within range, that also have an Airport.
Air units
Air units be used for bombing enemy cities, and/or to defend against incoming air attacks.
Fighters located at a city will try to defend against any incoming air attack automatically.
Air units can also perform reconnaissance, to reveal the fog of war within a region.
Your Power is a measure of the size and success of your civilization. It is dependent on your
total population, and grows over time; in addition some improvements also produce additional Power
every turn. You will receive a random bonus everytime your Power increases beyond a power of 10.
Power is also used to determine the winner of the game, after the specified number of turns (unless
you wipe out all other civilizations - or are defeated yourself before that time).
There are 10 civilizations to choose from, each of which has a specific starting technology.
Each civilization can also build a Great Project - this is an improvement which only that
civilization can build, and which offers greater benefits than most other improvements:
- The Romans - Colosseum (+4 to growth rate to the city).
- The English - Stonehenge (+4 growth rate to the city).
- The Egyptians - Pyramids (+1 production to all cities).
- The Americans - Apollo Programme (increases base scientific research by 100% for all cities).
- The French - Eiffel Tower (+2 production to all cities).
- The Greeks - Colossus (+5 to growth rate to the city).
- The Vikings - Hammer of Thor (all units are automatically veterans).
- The Russians - Mir Space Station (increases base scientific research by 100% for all cities).
- The Japanese - Himeji Castle (+50% defence for all cities).
- The Mayans - Great Temple (+5 to growth rate to the city).
For complete reference details on all Technologies, Units and City Improvements, see the
reference.html file (on Windows, run Conquests Reference from the Start Menu; on Linux, this
is installed to /usr/share/doc/conquests/ ). When playing the game, you can also access
in-game help by pressing the "?" button.
You can create your own world maps, using Tiled Map
Editor. See conquests/data/maps/creating_maps_readme.txt in the program folder for
For more advanced modding, Conquests uses scripts written in
Lua for various parts of the game, which can be edited to
modify the game. The scripts are located in the conquests/data/scripts/ folder. The following
scripts are currently available:
ai.lua - Most of the higher level AI is performed in this script. You must implement
the function chooseBuild(), which is called when a city needs to choose a new item to build,
and doUnitAI(), which is called when a unit needs to do something.
generate_bonuses.lua - The available bonus resources are fully moddable.
generate_buildables.lua - Generates the city improvements and units in the game. Note
that various special effects for improvements are still hardcoded; this also means it's not
advised to remove existing city improvements. I hope to make this fully moddable in future.
Units (referred to as unit templates) can be modified, added or removed. New unit templates
should have their own graphical files added.
generate_races.lua - Generates the available races of civilizations. There must be at
least 7 races.
generate_technologies.lua - As with improvements, some special effects for
technologies are still hardcoded, and you shouldn't remove any existing technologies. I hope
to improve this behaviour in future.
See the script files themselves for more help. Note that any additions should be consistent
between files - e.g., if a new improvement, unit or bonus resources requires a new technology,
then you should make sure that new technology has been added.
Currently Conquests doesn't support loading in different "mods", but you are free to
distribute your own modded version of Conquests (see Licences, below). (Also, I don't guarantee
at the moment that future versions will maintain compatibility, so distributing as a separate
archive is recommended for this reason also.) Or if you prefer, feel free to just distribute
your scripts on their own, and let users manually copy the scripts in (but it's probably best
to state which version(s) of Conquests you know the script to work with).
Please let me know if you are interested in modding - I'm unlikely to add functionality to
this area if no one seems to want it...
Contacting me (bugs etc)
Please contact me at mark DOT harman DOT apps AT gmail DOT com .
If you are reporting a bug, please send me:
- Any reported error messages.
- The latest save game file. This can be found:
- For Windows, located in "%APPDATA%\conquests\savegames".
- For Linux, located in $HOME/.config/conquests/savegames (in Ubuntu, go to menu Places->Home Folder, then
make sure View->Show Hidden Files is selected, then open the folder .config).
The start of the current turn is automatically saved under "auto.sav".
- The "log.txt" file. This can be found:
- For Windows, located in "%APPDATA%\conquests".
- For Linux, located in $HOME/.config/conquests (in Ubuntu, go to menu Places->Home Folder, then
make sure View->Show Hidden Files is selected, then open the folder .config).
The log file is overwritten each time you run the game, so you'll have to take a copy straight
away - although note that the last-but-one game log will be available under "log_old.txt";
also on Windows, in the case of assertion failures, it will also be copied to
- If under Linux and no log.txt file is generated, try running conquests.out from a Terminal
window, and note if that gives any error messages.
- A description of what happened, and what steps you took that resulted in the bug.
- Any details of your system may also be helpful, e.g.: operating system, CPU, graphics
card, Direct X version if relevant.
Help wanted!
If you would like to contribute to Conquests, there are various ways you can help:
- Porting - Feel free to port Conquests to other platforms. If you send me the
files, I can integrate them into the main source. Please contact me if you want to port,
and are after help or advice on what changes are required.
- Art/Sound/etc - I've managed to create Conquests using 3rd party artwork or
procedurally generated content, so there isn't any "programmer art" that needs replacing
right now. However there are various areas where more could be added, e.g.: images/icons
for each technology or improvement; images for certain events (e.g., combat, air raid);
small icons for the bonus resources, to replace the current coloured blobs; additional
sound effects; music (e.g., music for each civilization, or background music whilst
playing). Please contact me with any contributions.
- Tell people about it! - If you like the game, then please feel free to tell
other people about it, on your blog/Twitter/website/etc :)
- Give me a rating :) (On the various project/download sites.)
Frequently Asked Questions
Will Conquests be available for other platforms? I can only support Windows and
Linux, but if anyone else is able to port it to another platform, please let me know.
Will there be a multiplayer version? No, I have no interest in this. (Though since
Conquests is open source, anyone is free to have a go making a multiplayer version.)
I have an idea for a feature request, will you add it? I'm happy to listen to any
ideas or suggestions. I can't promise I'll implement them (maybe I have different ideas on
what I want to write; maybe it's something I don't get round to doing).
Is Conquests moddable? Various parts of Conquests are moddable by using Lua scripts.
See the scripts in the conquests/data/scripts/ folder. Most of the higher level AI is
performed in Lua. Races, Technologies, Units and City Improvements can also be modified. In
future versions, I hope that Conquests will be fully moddable, but this is not yet
supported. Also see "Modding" above for more details.
I'm having a problem with compiling the source code, what's going wrong? Please see
the file conquests_source.txt that is supplied in the source archive, for more help and
Why are graphics copied from FreeCiv? Many of the graphics are used from FreeCiv,
legally under the GPL (see below). I'm no graphics artist, and this
seems preferable to using poor placeholder graphics. If you are willing to contribute
improved graphics for the project, please let me know.
Conquests is released under the GPL v2 or later,
except where noted below. Conquests makes use of:
GLEW (see GLEW_LICENCE.txt in binary archive, or the relevant
source code files in the source archive, for the licence),
GLM (see GLM_LICENCE.txt in binary archive, for the licence), and
TinyXML (released under the zlib licence,
see relevant source code files in the source archive).
The following items are used under licence:
- mapoverlay_forest.png, mapoverlay_forest1.png, mapoverlay_hills.png, mapoverlay_hills1.png, mapoverlay_mountains.png, mapoverlap_mountains1.png, unit_*.png, city.png, city_modern.png, foot3.wav, woodbrk.wav - modified from FreeCiv, under the GPL.
- unit_biplanes.png - modified from, by Dr. Wessmann, under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0).
- unit_fission bomb.png - rendered from fat man.blend, by Renderwahn, under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).
- marble.jpg - modified from, by budgie, under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0).
- americans.jpg - public domain image from
- egyptians.jpg - public domain image from
- english.jpg - public domain image from
- french.jpg - public domain image from
- greeks.jpg - public domain image from
- japanese.jpg - public domain image from
- mayans.jpg - modified from, by tato grasso, under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.5 (CC BY-SA 2.5).
- romans.jpg - public domain image from
- russians.jpg - from, by Margaret Bourke-White and Militaryace, under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).
- vikings.jpg - public domain image from
- intro.jpg - public domain image from
- age_medieval.jpg - public domain image from
- age_industrial.jpg - public domain image from
- age_modern.jpg - public domain image from
- nuke.jpg - public domain image from
- execution_beheading.jpg - public domain image from
- execution_hanging.jpg - public domain image from
- execution_impalement.jpg - public domain image from
- swords_clashing.wav - modified from, by Mike Koenig, under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0).
- worker.wav - modified from Frantic Digging 34956.wav, by Mike Koenig, under Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 (CC BY 1.0).
- bomb.wav - from, by Mike Koenig, under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0).
- gunshot.wav - from, by Mike Koenig, under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0).
- mouse_click.wav - from mouseClick.wav, by LFA, under Creative Commons Public Domain (CC0).
- gmae.wav - from gmae.wav, by Brandon Morris, under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0).
- Before The Battle.ogg - converted from Before the Battle.mp3, by Mattias Westlund, under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0).
- Battle March.ogg - converted from POL-battle-march-long.wav, by, under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0).
- SDL, SDL_image and SDL_mixer, under the zlib Licence.
- Lua, under the MIT licence.
- Freetype, dual licensed under the GPL and the Freetype Project Licence.
In short, this means you are free to distribute the archive as a whole, including
commercial redistribution. If distributing the binary archive on another website, you should
make the source archive available for download too. If distributing the binary archive on a
physical medium (CD etc), it's sufficient to distribute the source archive too on the same
medium (see the GPL for other possible ways to satisfy the licence). If you wish to modify or
create derivative works, please pay attention to the individual licences.
If you are viewing the readme that came with Conquests,
see here for the
online version.
Conquests on Launchpad.
Conquests on Sourceforge.
More of my Free software.